Killer Birds and North Carolina
Getting-to-Work Hazards: I decided to climb up the stairs in front of Building 12 this morning at work because I haven't been to the gym in about a month and am gradually congealing. That's a lovely image, no? Anyway, there was some sort of easel at the foot of the stairs with a large white piece of paper leaning against it. However, the printing on it was bleached to almost a beige, so I figured it probably wasn't a critical notice; who would let an important warning fade until the sign was beige on white?
So I started climbing, and everything was normal (except for my pathetic heavy breathing) until I was about halfway up the stairs. Then I heard a sudden *whoosh* and glimpsed a black bird swoop behind me when I turned my head. Okay. I kept walking up, only to have the bird fly by in front of me this time, close enough for me to feel the wind from its wings. The rest of the climb involved me half ducking and half running as the bird kept trying to attack me until I made it to the top.
While catching my breath at the top of the stairs, I noticed another bleached sign that I could read only by squinting: "During this time of year, this area is a nesting area for birds. Birds may feel threatened and attempt to defend their territory. Please exercise caution when using these stairs." THANKS.
In other news, I was in North Carolina this past weekend. It was a land of many trees and much more dispersed development. And lots of pollen *sneeze*
So why was I there? To welcome my new Duke Charter little sis, Cindy!

Isn't she cute? :) And there she is, receiving the Stanford white line jacket. Awww. Yes, yes, I am a bombass big sis. Okay, at least an adequate one. Haha.
And of course, congratulations again to the Duke Charter Class! You girls are incredible, and I expect you'll do amazing things for your community :) Welcome to the sisterhood, lovelies.

Meeting a bunch of other O.G. KDPhi alumnae was great too. I had almost forgotten how fun it is to meet new sisters from all over the nation. Aren't we so mature and attractive? ;)

So yeah, Duke trip was great fun. A bit hectic with too much flying and an hour-and-a-half stopover in Dallas, but fellow Norcal biggies Anita and Diana and I entertained ourselves with...eating. What else? :) Sunday's flight home involved leaving for the airport at 3:00 am Pacific time and getting back at 2:00 pm Pacific time. I think my sleeping schedule is UBER out of whack now.
Unfortunately, all that traveling tired me out and I was not able to cook for my mom for Mother's Day as originally planned. We went out for some Thai instead. Once again, I was awe-struck by the amount of food that disappears down my little brother's throat.
Am currently reading Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson since Bea and Eric graciously gave it to me as a birthday present. ("You're so geeky, we figured you'd enjoy this.") Pizza deliverators, samurai swords, hacking, the Mafia, the Metaverse, mutant harpoon-throwers, Sumerian myths, and traffic-surfers. It's different. Haha. Very entertaining so far, but I think I will have to reread after the first run-through and some additional research; I may be geeky, but I definitely don't know much about hacking or computer programming. Anyone else read it before? Maybe you can learn me something :) [Yes, I KNOW that is improper grammar. I was going to leave it alone for effect, but then I realized that some people may think I made that mistake on purpose and try to correct me. DON'T. =]
Nice to see you survived your Hitchcockian encounter.
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