Happy Birthday, Part XX!
In case you didn't get that, I'm revisiting happy birthday blogs, but now for two females :) Actually, these are two of my favorite females ever!
Last Friday, Eric threw a birthday dinner for Bea at Korean Palace, so of course I was there to pig out...oh, and wish Bea a happy birthday :) Then we capped off the night with some exhilarating rounds of Apples to Apples and Taboo. Let me just say that certain guys seem to have an aversion to describing the word "flaccid." Interesting.
So Happy Birthday to Bea! Bea holds a special place in my heart - obviously because she was the best roommate ever. And of course, my one and only Nudie Roomie. I understand that as our junior year of living together was drawing to a close, you had to find some way to fill the impending gaping emptiness in your soul - I suppose I approve of Eric as a nominal replacement. :) I joke - you two kids make up my favorite couple in the world! And Bea, you are simply so caring, hilarious, understanding...and sexy! As if I liked you only for your personality. Psh. Thank you for sharing my "crazy" years, for cuddling with me during The Simpsons, for giving me the best stories to tell other people (Tongue Boy! Hahahaha!), and for always being there for me - even if you never pick up the phone the first time I call. Thanks again for being there that night last month. I really did appreciate it in my own soggy way :) You are amazing. And to commemorate:

And of course, my other favorite Korean girl recently celebrated her birthday too - although that happened without me! Gasp! I was so looking forward to sharing another bottle of wine and loudly gossiping about inappropriate things in front of small children with you again. Sigh. Alas, it was not meant to be. But I guess I love you anyway.
Although our lives have taken us far, far away from each other (okay, mostly your life has taken you away from...where I always am), I will always be able, willing, and possibly too excited to have horribly geeky conversations with you, do online crossword puzzles, listen to any and all drama, make fun of other people's stupidity, drink milk tea, and/or sit and do absolutely nothing productive. Ah, if only we had tape-recorded all our talks--wait, on second thought, that might not be a very good idea. Possible blackmail and all. But I do miss their witty, wacky, wonderful-ness. Even though you're in the Land of Superficiality, I know I can always talk to you about so much more. Thank you for caring and making me laugh and being so Michelle. We'd better see each other soon, or I'm keeping the presents for myself. Trust me, this is no idle threat. Love you, miss you, kiss kiss! And for some fond reminiscing...

I'll love you unrequitedly anyway. Pathetic, I know.
So once again, Bea and Michelle, Stanford would have been uber crap without you. Thank you for saving my college years from being excrement. A zillion smooches :)
I love you Nudie Roomie!! My feet are being kept nice and toasty in my new slippers. :)
Remember that time that you and I went on a double date with those twins? Er brothers? something like that....
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