The worst part of this time of year...
is the increased necessary-sock-wearing time. After the foot freedom of summer, it's so difficult to go back.
So how's life? Different. Full. Emptier. Who knows?
A few weeks ago, I spent a day in the oddly intense sun at Alice's Now & Zen Fest with Jen, Mike, Jo, and Carsten. Music, dim sum, beer, free Cuervo shirts, good times.

Then I was gone for several days on a research department conference down near Monterey. Many seminars and poster sessions, a strolling dinner through the Monterey Aquarium at night, fun with the fellow RTs, dancing with my managers and the VP of Research, and...a lot of beer, wine, and tequila. It was like Convention all over again...except older. And way geekier. Hahaha. By the way, I am the Best Wingwoman Ever.
And after those three straight nights of drinking, I had a two-night breather before VEGAS with Deb, David, Cher, Mike, Jo, Carsten, Jen, and Steven. Two nights in Vegas right after work were a little too hectic though. Felt like I was rushing everywhere. But Mamma Mia! was beyond cute! Dinner with Jen is always fun - as is shrimp cocktail on the house ;) Then again, being given too many free drinks may not be the best thing. Double shots are DEFINITELY not the best thing. Thank goodness my friends could laugh at my drunkass and not be too annoyed. Haha. And after a half hour of frantic searching/bewilderment through the maze that is the Forum Shops at Caesar's, Jen and I waved goodbye to our money and hello to our Blogged-About Dresses. Alas, no St. Charles dress, but cheers to my new Gypsophila dress. Now I just need an excuse to wear it. :) Perhaps Vegas photos will be forthcoming. Perhaps.
I guess it's only fitting that to atone for drinking 5 nights out of 7, I will have to go to work both this Saturday and Sunday. At least I'll see all my favorite Koreans this weekend: Bea, Eric, Michelle, and Judy - can't get much better than that!
Driving in the dark is lonelier than I remember.
Thank you, super buddies :) I don't know what I would do without you.
"Volcano" -Damien Rice
don't hold yourself like that you'll hurt your knees
i kissed your mouth & back that's all i need
don't build your world around volcanoes melt you down
what i am to you is not real
what i am to you you do not need
what i am to you is not what you mean to me
you give me miles and miles of mountains
and i’ll ask for the sea
don't throw yourself like that in front of me
i kissed your mouth your back is that all you need?
don't drag my love around volcanoes melt me down
what i am to you is not real
what i am to you you do not need
what i am to you is not what you mean to me
you give me miles and miles of mountains
and i’ll ask for the sea
what i give to you is just what i’m going through
this is nothing new no no just another phase of finding
what i really need is what makes me bleed
and like a new disease she’s still too young to treat
volcanoes melt me down
she’s still too young
i kissed your mouth
you do not need me
oh goddd. why is everyone posting the most unflattering photos of me online!? cher has a few up that make me look like a cheap se asian whore. as true friends, why didn't you guys TELL me that my hair was an electric nightmare?!?! it's like i resurrected the worst part of the 80s.....times 1000000000
and christina, you owe me an injury. i am sporting a dent and scab in the middle of my left foot from being stabbed by your heel last saturday. you are one scary drunk woman :)
jk. nothing by loooovveee
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