Friday, May 17, 2002

i was walking to the library tonight along this "new" route and it was fairly dark. it was a very nice, rather warm night, i could hear the crickets chirp, the stars were out, [insert more poetic musings here], and suddenly it seemed like there was a lot of cricket-chirping constantly coming from directly in front of me. i slowed down and tried to look at the ground ahead of me as i walked since i was afraid of stepping on a cricket and killing it. (it's so disturbing to take a step, hear a *crunch*, and have the chirping stop...but that's another story.) so i continued this weird, hunched-over, paranoid walk for a couple more yards when i finally realized it wasn't a cricket chirping in front of me--it was a metal button from my jacket jiggling.

then i had a little giggle over myself and went to do work.


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