Saturday, August 31, 2002

i have never seen olympics as dorky as the ones they have at work. hahaha...let's see, the first event was pipetting into a 96-well plate, second was recycling relay, third was "liquid transfer" with the passing of labcoats, and today was sand sculpture in the volleyball court and a fake mouse dissection race. yeeeah. so the sand sculpture thing doesn't sound too bad, right? except one group sculpted an antibody and ours sculpted a mouse, complete with ear punch, bleeding tail, syringe, and baby mice.

went up to SF today on trusty caltrain and had dinner at glas kat with jacq, jo, steven, jason, alex, and ken. then we sat around in a minivan and later wandered around metreon. fun times. haha. later a bunch came over to my house and they watched a dolphin give birth while i slept. finally woke up when everyone was staring at me since they were going home. whoops. hey, i had a long day, okay?!


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