I have fully embraced randomness.
Monday, November 01, 2004

addicted to: climbing.dreaming: about traveling. And having way more money to travel.
reading: (ogling)
singing: "Wonderwall" by Oasis
cooking (most recently): soupy Christina-style dal
Blog Buddies
amanda: daydreamingcher: kiss my blog
deb: once upon a time
jacq: fly away
jen: hullo, world
jo: jo conquers the world
michelle: crazeemichi
alexander: same same, but different
chris lee: the real chris lee
howard: the road to an md
Previous Posts
- Mmm...Chi Sandwich(ed between Christinas :).
- Happy 22nd, Michelle! You're still bf #1, honey. ;)
- I suppose I haven't felt much urge to write here i...
- Summer flew by. Depressing. But it was a very go...
- Sometimes I hate alcohol. Lately, it tends to mak...
- Yay for shopping with Bea and Linh today. Unfortu...
- This is someplace new. Like climbing out of a hol...
- I can't do this anymore. You know they say, "Bett...
- :) It's been a very lovely weekend. Watched Amel...
- Photo Time Yes, I know it's been a long time, lov...
*in no particular order

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