HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY, ALEX! and HAPPY BIRTHDAY, FOMPAY BOY! (did not blog on their birthday, the 14th.)
what a nice, long, full weekend. took a day off on friday ;-)
thursday night i went up to berkeley with jacq and deb drove us to davis and then sac. thanks a bunch, dear =) went to the rage club with them and jo and her roomie...ahaha that was interesting. jacq clubbing? yeah, wouldn't have thought it either. ;-) they're all such pimps. it was normal sweaty, smoky fun. deb is a fob magnet. heh heh.
friday night was a big dinner. lots of people. lots of pictures. the usual goofing-off thing. ended up mini-golfing afterward. fun stuff. saw anna-chia chen! whee! amanda, jason, alex, and i went to play pool after some pearl tea with everyone too. uh...yeah. still sucking. jason's really good! amanda was all talking her shit before too..haha. got home around 3-ish, went to sleep around 4.
woke up at 8:30 the next morning to go to san ramon. ooh that was not pleasant. at least brandon's team kicked butt. good stuff. soccer moms used me as their personal college advisor. nice. then big burger dinner at fuddrucker's for brandon's birthday. oy those things were big--but oh-so-yummy! saw howard and nick and cheryl later that night. neat.
yesterday went up to berkeley again for berkeley kdphi alpha alpha presents. dang...alpha alpha. anyway, saw james kuan there...then saw jason while i was leaving the house. met up with jennichen and had some good passionfruit slushy with pearls at sweetheart. went to visit mr. mike lee's place where he insulted me and tried to kick me out multiple times. *sigh* no love. ran into john outside too...i know too many people at berkeley =P went out to dinner and a movie with ken. i recommend "my big fat greek wedding" =) funny, funny movie. "i had to go to greek school, where i sat in a room translating, 'if nick has one goat and maria has nine, how soon will they marry?'"
i need more courage and less doubt sometimes. it would save me a lot of kicking-myself afterward. and i realize all my free time revolves around food.
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