you're parents were lucky with you. you're sweet.
innocent. helpful. and cute.
what kind of child were you?
(brought you by april)
figured i might as well join in. cable modem is like a cute, unreliable guy. so fun in the beginning, but after a while he starts missing dates or you lose that connection...
anyhow, i didn't do jack yesterday. woohoo! stayed in bed 'til 2:00 pm...mmm. hey, i haven't had the chance to sleep in for MONTHS, so no lectures please. that night, i went to the comedy sports club in san jose with jo, cher, deb, jacq, david, and kenny. pretty funny stuff, but wasn't as great as the first time. ran into jason jeon when we went to tapioca express...what a coincidence.
today was a big dinner with a ton of relatives for like...four different birthdays. chaos reigned as five children were in attendance. =P but what cuties! then i finally was able to get in touch with michelle after a really long game of phone tag. good to know she's alive and kicking ;-) then it was off to deb's for a night of dorkiness and trivial pursuit and battle of the sexes. yeah, girls will KICK YOUR ASS. ahaha. like cher says, it's all about the women's intuition. although cher is still evil. abusing other people's AIM profiles...
i found this shirt i bought a couple months ago that reinforces my urge to get my navel pierced. it would be such a shame to wear that shirt and not have that piercing. =) now's the best time for that anyway--while i still don't have rolls of fat that would cover up the piercing. yum.
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