Thursday, September 26, 2002

i basically moved everything back into the dorm by myself this year, right? one night, my mom was able to help a little bit. everytime we've somehow stumbled upon the topic of boys before, she tells me i should "meet a lot of boys" but "don't get too serious," etc.--really stressing that don't-commit thing. however, as we're climbing up the stairs lugging all my crap, she suddenly tells me, "you should get a boyfriend."

yeah, my mom's just lazy and wants someone to do our bitchwork. hahaha.

hey, my schedule's sucking this quarter. woohoo! 8 am classes three days a week, baby. two lab classes. work. clubs. kdphi. going home to watch little brandino. but i really want to intern at the asian liver center! =(

i think a part of me is masochistic.

bea and i found out our dorm number: 7-0727. we bought a new answering machine too--trying to record the greeting was interesting =P so difficult since we kept cracking up. *sigh* ah well, after a while, we just said screw it and used the last one. it's comprehendible enough!


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