Saturday, November 30, 2002

*gasp* has it been a whole week since i have last blogged? good gracious. there's really no point in completely filling in this missing week because...well, it seems so last week already ;-) plus i'm sort of lazy. i suppose slightly significant things have happened though. stanford lost, cal won in big game. i went up to berkeley that same night...whoops. had that ass-kickage rubbed in my face quite a few times. oh well, what did we expect? football team sucks this year. opinion that made its way to my ears: "tayo johnson needs to stop having sex and start playing football."

i love smelling my skin after i've just showered. just wanted to say that. i suppose i'd like smelling your skin after you've showered too. mmm...soap.

thanksgiving break has been nice though. i do not think it deserves the title "thanksgiving vacation" because 4 days do not qualify as a vacation in my book. boo. the day after you get back, you get hit with the food-filled, relative-filled wonder that is thankgiving dinner, and then you realize the "vacation" is already half over. alas, alack, boohoo, shit.

finally saw harry potter and the chamber of secrets with the girls yesterday though. i am thankful they woke up a couple hours earlier to watch it with me and that they stood outside the theater with me waiting for my mom too =) it was like a flashback to the pre-license days--but hey, i'm a nice sister and let amanda drive my car. ew, wasn't rinaldo freaky, jojen? oh well. it must've been jo's magnetism ;-) "hey, don't i know you from that one place...over there...that ucd?" smooth. really smooth. i find it really disturbing how he described his thanksgiving day as "f***ing around" and "drinking" and "going back to make out" while still insisting he spent it with his family. um...okay, not going to go there. there are some scary people in this world.

i don't really feel like typing anything else, even though i'm still just sitting here waiting for people to pick me up for dinner. oh, that reminds me. you know your dining hall food is crap when you come home and eat the exact same two dishes with rice for three meals and still think it's heavenly.

my house seems so big and cold with my mom and brandon in sacramento and amanda out. i miss the noise.

* * *
it's a damn cold night
trying to figure out this life
won't you take me by the hand
take me somewhere new


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