it's been a horribly full time since my last update. there is no way i will be able to cover everything, nor would you actually care. so in a half-hearted attempt to update, here are some random thoughts:
- full moon on the quad was rather tame, but i was definitely not drunk enough to fully partake. yay for remaining disease-free! people who move suddenly to renege on the cheek-only agreement are schiesty =P
- bea and eric are my favorite couple in the world. if i could be in a relationship with a couple, i'd definitely want to be with them. as it is, i know they find some way to involve me in their s--lives. :D
- there are too many birthdays in a one-week span. happy birthdays to michelle, judy, alex rosten, bea [again]! additional sappy birthday messages to come at the end of this blog.
- my ass hurts from driving for such extended periods of time. poor buttocks :(
- once road rage begins, my mood is difficult to resuscitate. and wow, my mouth can get dirty.
- alex rocks for getting me the dido cd! and i am a horrible friend for forgetting the guster cd.
- still unresolved feelings about kill bill. yet i will be watching vol. 2.
- i dislike rude people. i like people who give me donations for breast cancer awareness month. and these rhinestone pins are damn cute. breast cancer unfortunately touches so many lives. learn and support if you can. fridays in white plaza, 11am-2pm, people.
- yay for chiung, mo, howard, jen, alex, and bernie! yeah buddies! thanks for taking time out to see little ol' me :)
- "the first cut is the deepest." true to a degree. disillusionment is tragic.
to alex rosten: my favorite bobaman is old. ;) he is still the pimp, makes mean spiked bobas, and delivers the best geeky pickup lines.
to judyfruit: i looove judy! ow ow! i wish i were as healthy as her, but i'll take being her friend and pledge sister. she is one of the cutest, funniest, good people i know. you are so beautiful, and i will always be here for you!
to michelle: there is no way i can imagine what stanford would have been like without you. how the hell did we become friends? we're so different...but not. i'm not sure if even i know myself, but i have a feeling that if i had more of an idea, you'd be one of the people to know the most. and i hope you appreciate my educated guesses about your psyche too ;) thank you for being geeky with me, thank you for doing crossword puzzles with me, thank you for correcting my grammar, thank you for dealing with me correcting yours. thank you for all the times you cared, thank you for being "not girly", thank you for being "girly" with me. thank you for being one of the few people to whom i can tell certain things. thank you for not judging and helping me judge. you're 21 now, girl! you can live it up without being eunice or me anymore. :D

to sort-of-now...

still dorks. ;)
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