Tuesday, January 15, 2002

oh goodness. i realized tonight that my quarter is whack. i don't usually use the word "whack" because i don't use words like whack, but i couldn't think of a word to describe my quarter. so i'm taking 17 units, but us sib coordinators decided to be ambitious this quarter, so we're probably throwing yet another sib dance, along with a couple more sib events this quarter. the kdphi event calendar is crazy packed...we've got the women's conference to plan, retreat, fundraisers, exchanges, yaddayadda. ucaa hasn't disappeared either =( i have some activity to do pretty much every weekend this quarter...how did this happen?? i thought this quarter would just be nerdy-christina-doing-a-lot-of-work quarter, but noooo. wrench thrown in again. must become efficient from now on! i think that would require me smashing my computer. *sigh* we'll see.

okay, going back to work now! yes! need to wake up early tomorrow to talk to the dining services people about putting on that dance =P


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