oh, on the ride back to stanford from tahoe yesterday, we watched a reallyreally bad movie. it was horrible. just as a warning, don't ever bother to watch the stephen king miniseries, the golden years. i could predict the plot five minutes into the movie, and it was ridiculously long-winded...i fell asleep for like 2 hours and when i woke up, i could still follow the storyline! incredibly bad acting (ooh, another over-the-top mad scientist with big hair!)...the list goes on. yeah. just don't watch it. i don't know why i'm blogging about it, but don't. =)
I have fully embraced randomness.
Monday, January 14, 2002

addicted to: climbing.dreaming: about traveling. And having way more money to travel.
reading: (ogling) tastespotting.com.
singing: "Wonderwall" by Oasis
cooking (most recently): soupy Christina-style dal
Blog Buddies
amanda: daydreamingcher: kiss my blog
deb: once upon a time
jacq: fly away
jen: hullo, world
jo: jo conquers the world
michelle: crazeemichi
alexander: same same, but different
chris lee: the real chris lee
howard: the road to an md
Previous Posts
- back from ucaa ski trip, i am. sweet cabin, many ...
- i miss not having to use those paper seat covers w...
- i took this fruit quiz and the result was the foll...
- the best laid plans of mice and men mine have gon...
- today was "be a good big sister day" for me. took...
- it's 2002! feels just like 2001. =) new years eve ...
- do i even think anymore? i never feel like i have...
- back from reno finally =) i just missed my family ...
- christmas was nice this year. i had to work on ch...
- dangit, i'm looking at delias.com. this is bad. ...
*in no particular order

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