Saturday, June 01, 2002

oh crap. turns out it was another one. i feel so old!

on a completely different subject:
"what can i say? it's in the shitter." -p-ro
this is true. things must go up. we can make it go up. i just wish it wouldn't take so much work...ideals are wonderful and inspiring but reality can be such a nasty kick in the ass. we'll work on it and try to turn the kick into a fun slap though. maybe even a pleasant rub! (sorry, i'll stop before things get closer to x-rated) just please don't leave us.

so much i want to do, so much i should do, so much i have to do--for improvement, for others, for you, for myself. then there's the part of me that wants to run away from it all and be merely content...oblivious, free from worries and obligations and negativity. but then i'd be missing all the highs and joys that come connected. i'm constantly fighting this huge monster that's fear, laziness, and uncertainty all lumped together that likes to sit on me and prevent me from accomplishing anything. i named it bob.

bright side: 10 continuous hours of sleep last night. i can't even remember the last time that happened.

* * *
between an overload of information
and a striving for a pure dedication, i
find myself looking for the exit sign
see your pretty face in the sunshine
in the morning after staying up all night, i
want to wake you just to hear you tell me it's all right
and all i want to be is too much sometimes for me

good morning, baby, i hope i'm gonna make it through another day

Thursday, May 30, 2002

Which Street Fighter are you?
Test by Nathan


it was absolutely blinding when i biked to class today...yes, it was once again "wear-shorts-for-the-first-time-in-a-year day" for me. my legs are so white! i think it's pretty hopeless; my arms are always like three shades darker than my legs. ugh.

anyhow, was at cliff house last night for sigma nu stuff. quite different from kdphi formal since most of the guys were already drunk at the formal. but i saw yvonne! i haven't seen her since the beginning of this year! what a funny, funny girl. ;-) "it's been pretty...stimulating," and then she does her yvonne-laugh. *sigh* the old roble days. and i love the cliff house. =) such a nice view...i'm taking my mom there for her birthday or mother's day next year. promise! (even though i've been saying i'd take her for the past year or so.)

it's so HOT these days. ew. and i can't open all the windows since we have no screens and manzanita is infested with mosquitos. what's a girl to do? i already have a nasty enough bug bite on my ankle...damned texan bugs. i don't know why i'm blogging right now..i have nothing interesting to say at all. sorry. oh! happy news for me though! i'm pretty sure i finally have a job over the summer. yay! all due to my cousin "pimping" me throughout his research lab. haha. gotta love nepotism.

* * *
you know i've been a good girl
but i hit a limit
i know there's not a lot of logic in it
but my life's been feeling to me

like lemon
sometimes it tastes so bitter
like lemon
i've gotta make it sweeter

stop right there before i get bitter
there's got to be a better way
there's got to be a way to make it sweeter
a little more like lemon meringue

Tuesday, May 28, 2002

convention in austin, texas =)

Monday, May 27, 2002

wow. my first kdphi convention. we'll just say it's something i won't be forgetting any time soon. quite a...growing experience. that and a whole freaking lot of fun! fun "up the ass," as p-ro would say. ;-)

meeting sweet, nice kdphi sisters makes me so happy. met some fun guys too. stanford, represent! we showed them that zeta chapter definitely knows how to party. =)

well now it's back to real life. convention was a totally different that's about as descriptive as i'm going to get. very kdphi-inspiring experience though. and our dance wasn't half bad!

and i scored three job interviews for this week! whee! now i have to prepare for them on sleep. mmm....sleep deprivation.