i hate being forgotten. don't you?
I have fully embraced randomness.
Thursday, August 22, 2002
from buffalo to human...you're odd. haha.
i'm still half-heartedly going to the gym these days. half-hearted as in it takes a whole lot of time for me to make myself go there. i work out fine once i'm in, i guess...but it's so intimidating to lift my little dinky weights next to some butch guy whose biceps are bigger than my head. he could probably crack my head open like a nut. ouch.
alex asked if i try to work out next to hot guys. does anyone do that? i wouldn't understand it. i mean, i'm working out, looking like shit, wearing ratty gym clothes, and sweating like crazy. i don't know if my DOG would want to be near me. well, if i had a dog that is.
anyway, i can now climb up a couple flights of stairs without being short of breath afterward. =P plus i get my hit of mtv there while i'm using the elliptical machine thingie. "music in high places"...that is such a random show concept. "i like this band. let's stick them on a mountain!"
need to figure out exactly what i'm doing this weekend. deb, cher, and jacq, are you girls coming with me? pretty please? it'll be fun! i promise! and if it's not, i'll buy you ice cream to make you feel better. ;-) i already know jo can't make it back. the whole car-less state. i can sympathize quite well. it's like we're 14 again.
phone conversations are nice. =) miss L, get some and stop complaining. dave still owes me my jacket. ken, only four and a half? haha. kidding. still impressive. and i'm jealous of amanda. ;-)
had dinner at my thai up in union city with family and a couple relatives and a godbrother and godmother last night for amanda's birthday. yay! all relatives and people i very much like so it was quite pleasant. =) haven't seen henry and his mom in ages! man, henry has one nice car. he's got THREE screens in his tahoe that play dvd's. craaaazy. and that dolby surround sound...i felt it in my bones.
it's nice to see my family completely happy =) amanda's ah...special friend bought us dessert ahead of time. ahaha. nice. mango with sticky rice! a favorite of mine, yum. i approve.
oh jason called while i was at home eating cake too. he was drunk. hahaha...great first phone impression, bro. "uh...what did you just say?"
i love discovering anything new. =)
Tuesday, August 20, 2002
my little sister is 18 now! *gasp* yeah, an "adult"...right. haha. i will see her tonight.
Monday, August 19, 2002
went to great america yesterday with my little brother, his friend, and yeung since i promised brandon weeks ago that i'd take him there--and brandon never forgets other people's promises.
yeung and i felt old. little kids have so much energy! they still love going on the same ride multiple times! there were so many skanky teenagers! and we felt old. thanks to yeung for accompanying me though...otherwise i would have had to deal with two 10-year-olds all by my lonesome =X the horror! actually they were pretty well-behaved except for hanging on every rail and fence. i was sort of worried about all the graffiti on the walls while we were in line for the rides--i hope they didn't read anything inappropriate and vulgar. after all, amanda and i don't allow brandon to see most movies that are rated PG-13 or worse. =)
you know, brandon's a pretty charismatic kid. there was this quiet little boy ahead of us in line and once brandon started goofing off, the other kid tries to join in and follow brandon. my little brother is such a bad influence =P i wonder if amanda and i are bad influences for him too--i know brandon understands sarcasm a lot better than some other children his age. whoops.
oh, so back to great america, things were fine except yeung lost his keys and brandon threw up during the car ride home. >_< luckily brandon grabbed a plastic bag to do his business in and i hope someone finds yeung's keys. such a tiring day.
i think i understand a little more about sacrifices parents make for their kids. you never think about it when you're a child, but honestly, your parents probably do not like overcrowded amusement parks one bit. they suffer whole days in the heat, walking mile after mile of artificial happy-lands, and spending huge gobs of money on overpriced everythings just to see you smile. the older i get, the more amazed i am by my parents. they've done so much for me--the least i can do is help my mom whenever i can.
Sunday, August 18, 2002
michelle's back! she sent me this incredibly hot link. canadians. who would've thought? ;-) but mmm. my sister walks in while talking on her phone as i'm staring and asks, "so this is what you like to look at late at night, huh?" MICHELLE SENT IT TO ME, DAMMIT! i was just admiring in passing.
*ahem* now that that's cleared up, i've had a lovely weekend. john mayer/guster concert on friday night up in berkeley after two hours of public transportation. mmm. loved guster, john mayer was fun. me gusta guster! saw many buddies. ate a lot. acted stupid. therefore, great visit. =)
"man, i just ate more than half! it's like i ate one!" [cher referring to pancakes]
"yes, cherry, there were originally two."
went out tonight. still suck at pool. royally. at one point, ken started moving the balls for me in pity until i made him stop. i felt like one of those ditzy girls who just lets the guy win easily so the male ego isn't feel threatened--except he really did win that easily and i really suck that much. ah well, good thing i can still have fun when losing. =)
thanks to paloma:
You are 35% geek | |
![]() | You are a geek liaison, which means you go both ways. You can hang out with normal people or you can hang out with geeks which means you often have geeks as friends and/or have a job where you have to mediate between geeks and normal people. This is an important role and one of which you should be proud. In fact, you can make a good deal of money as a translator.Normal: Tell our geek we need him to work this weekend. |
Take the Polygeek Quiz at Thudfactor.com
as paloma wonders, are they sure it's just 35%? sounds like a major underestimate to me.