born march 9, 1982

my relationship with debra king has been fraught with sexual tension, as you can see from this horribly unflattering photo. sadly, my many advances have been brutally rebuffed. debra is too good for me, but at least she's not always ashamed to be my friend! yay! which is more than what i can say about being my friend in junior high. i can no longer remember our first meeting, but i'm pretty sure it went something like this:
old school CHERRY and cool new girl DEBRA enter chatting.
oh hey, christina! this is debra, she's in my desktop publishing class and just moved into our court.
CHRISTINA stands there looking dumb in a bad perm, thick bangs, braces, and pink glasses.
DEBRA [in an aside to CHERRY]
i'm sure she's uh...nice, but god, cherry, she looks like a loser.
CHERRY [under her breath]
just deal with it - i live across the street from her. harmless geek, really.
CHRISTINA stands around awkwardly. Knows DEBRA is too cool for her and wishes she were reading her sci-fi/fantasy/incredibly nerdy novels in the library instead.
um...hi! i gotta uh...go over there and talk to only two other friends. bye!
CHRISTINA exits stage left, shuffling off and tripping over shoelaces.
ah, good times, good times. so years have gone by, i've grown taller, debra and cherry haven't [hahaha], but throughout it all, debra somehow became one of my closest friends. although we may not see each other as often as we'd like, it's good to know that you care enough to listen to me if i ever need to talk and i hope you know that i'm always here for you too. you're one of the strongest and most level-headed people i know, but at the same time, you're amazingly caring and fun as hell ;) i wish you the best 22nd year (well technically 23rd) and promise to see you soon! i love you :)