Monday, January 31, 2005

Edit: I am lame. Saved this as draft instead of publishing. Heh. This really was written on Monday. Pinky-swear!

It's been a nice weekend. I have learned:

-BJ's serves awfully greasy food. And they really like playing assorted questionable veryverypop "music."
-The Twister mat is a bit smaller than I remember.
-Ted Baker is a very expensive, very nice designer store. Anyone want to buy me a shirt for $145? Oh yes, that doesn't even purchase sleeves ;)
-Santana Row is pretty. Artificial, but pretty.
-I am now old enough to attend my friends' dinner parties. This is slightly distressing, but still fun.
-Eight females can go through quite a number of wine bottles.
-I am not very good at Monopoly.
-Going to WalMart to purchase a lint brush can lead to leaving with a box of Monopoly: Lord of the Rings Trilogy Edition. And no lint brush.
-I am insanely geeky. [Reference directly above.]
-One of the best feelings in the world is giving someone a gift they truly, absolutely, unquestionably appreciate and love. This gift just happens to be a T-shirt with the phrase "I love Latin boys" emblazoned on it. :D Hope it serves you well, Cathy Bao ;)

* * *
"Clarity" -John Mayer

I worry
I weigh three times my body
I worry
I throw my fear around
But this morning
There's a calm I can't explain
The rock candy's melted, only diamonds now remain

By the time I recognize this moment
This moment will be gone
But I will bend the light pretending
That it somehow lingered on

And I will wait to find
If this will last forever
And I will wait to find
If this will last forever
And I will wait to find
That it won't and it won't because it can't
It just can't
(It's not supposed to)

Was there a second of time I looked around?
Did I sail through or drop my anchor down?
Was anything enough to kiss the ground?
And say I'm here now?
And she is here now

So much wasted in the afternoon
So much sacred in the month of June
How 'bout you?

And I will wait to find
If this will last forever
And I will pay no mind
When it won't and it won't
Because it won't
And I will waste no time
Worried 'bout no rainy weather
And I will waste no time
Remaining in our lives together