honestly, witnessing some couples makes me want to become a nun. well, i'm not catholic, so at least stay SINGLE FOREVER. the AGGRAVATION!
I have fully embraced randomness.
Friday, May 03, 2002
i'm going hoooome for the weekend! *does happy little jig* it'll be the first time this quarter. i think i need it to regain some sanity. give me a ring if you're near exciting fremont =)
jo is so active and cool. shut up, you are. =P
Thursday, May 02, 2002

Click here to take the test!
thanks to chi for the quiz. makes me thirsty for some pearl milk tea. =)
had the weirdest dream. involved san diego, a giftshop that turns into the biggest two-story locker room with elevators i've ever seen, partial nudity, a lesbian drill seargent, and barry watson, who yelled at the end, "hey guys, i'm milking the most out of this topless scene. i'm taking off my shirt not just once, but TWICE, motherf*ckers!" and then we see him with his shirt and (oddly) an orange towel up around his neck. a tourbus drives by full of ogling teenage girls taking pictures. immediately after, there's a complete double-take of that scene and barry saying that line. and i wake up giggling. teehee.
me, have normal dreams? never.
showers are incredible. *blissful*
i haven't blogged much lately after that flurry of short blogs, huh? feeling sort of blah lately. like some sort of blob. poke me and i still won't want to move.
the future worries me. they say "live in the present" but then you just screw with the future you want. they also say "everything in moderation." i say all that balancing is too much work! i just want to sit and do nothing and sleep until i get all that laziness out of me. but then again, there's inertia; i might tend to stay at rest forever. oh, how appealing that sounds sometimes.
Monday, April 29, 2002
oh, i saw jason for the first time in a long time on saturday night. it was also the first time he's seen me with short hair. he said it makes me look like i have a small head. thanks. =P i don't notice small heads, do you? i just notice big ones.
i changed the title of the link to cher's page. and damn, it's long. thanks for going onto the next line, cher! =P j/k. love you. =)
it's really cold in here. window won't close. =(
i wish i were more thick-skinned. literally and figuratively.
dredging up past demons is draining but necessary, and you can only hope that the hurt will eventually sink into nothingness and be replaced by new life. there are lessons i've had to learn--these are the times to apply them. honesty can be painful, but i cannot hide behind lies or covered truths anymore, no matter how comfortable. at least it's clearer now.
Sunday, April 28, 2002
wow. so i totally missed brunch. i actually slept for nine hours last night...this is amazing. i kept missing phonecalls. sorry.
sometimes i just want to leave it all behind, but the ties of love or duty or responsibility are too strong. yeah, once you've roped me down, you've got me. like cattle.
last blog tonight. promise. so i said my favorite flowers are roses or lilies in my profile, and then i discovered that easter lilies are extremely toxic to cats. goodness! yeah, random fact i found interesting. lilies are pretty. good night. =)
oh, and cher needs to stop being so psychologically masochistic. remember, only watch freaky things when the sun is out. =P
prelude to a kiss has been revitalized. for now. =) i realized my profile was hopelessly out of date. i don't really look like that anymore and now my answers are ah...much more succinct and cynical. whoops.