Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Orson Scott Card Geek

Yes, that is what I am. I've read Ender's Game and all its Speaker sequels (Speaker for the Dead, Xenocide, Children of the Mind) and Shadow sequels (Shadow of the Hegemon, Shadow Puppets, Shadow of the Giant) AND the short story prequel First Meetings. Then there was the Alvin series, Enchantment, Treason, The Worthing Saga, Wyrms, etc.

So it should come as no surprise that my latest "BART Book" (specific books I'll read on BART when not slouched as low as possible in my seat to sleep) was Card's Shadow of the Giant [part of the alternate/parallel Ender's Shadow sequels]. I thought it would be safe to read on the BART since there aren't any shirtless men with flowing locks tearing at some unbelievably bounteous woman's bodice on the cover, but no, I was wrong. Well, Shadow of the Giant doesn't show Fabio on the cover, but the novel made me start crying TWICE in public. Fortunately, there are usually enough freaks on BART to make me fairly inconspicuous, even with the sobs. Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit; I think I pulled off the something-in-my-contact act pretty decently. (Shush. Just let me believe that.)

Anyway, someone read the Shadow series and tell me if there were any tears for you too. Then maybe I can feel less of a dork. It was just so emotional though! Bean! Petra! Sob!

But I have to admit that I sort of like books that make me cry. And Shadow of the Giant was such a good conclusion to the Shadow series. *satisfied sigh* Now I'll have to reread the Speaker of the Dead sequels again. Just maybe not in public. :)

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"You Owe Me an IOU" -Hot Hot Heat

He was in the habit of taking things for granted
Granted, there wasn't much for him to take
And the only thing constant was the constant reminder he'd never change

Tight-fisted with his compliments, it didn't seem to bother him that talk is even cheaper told in bulk
And the only thing constant was the constant reminder
He'd never change

And so she yelled at him:

You owe me an IOU - owe me an IOU
You owe me an IOU
Don't think that I'll forget
You owe me an IOU - owe me an IOU
You owe me an IOU
Don't think that I'll forget
I know what I should get this time

She was in the habit of reapplying makeup
Makeup eaten up by crocodile tears
And the only thing constant was the constant reminder she'd never change

Overtly individual - covertly traditional
She couldn't seem to make up her mind
And the only thing constant was the constant reminder she'd never change

And so he yelled at her:

And so she yelled at him:

You owe me an IOU - owe me an IOU
You owe me an IOU
Don't think that I'll forget
You owe me an IOU - owe me an IOU
You owe me an IOU
Don't think that I'll forget
I know what I should get this time

Oh...Is it real? I don't know
But I'll act as if it is
What's our deal? I don't know
But I'll act as if it is what I think that it is
If it is, then this might just work

They were in the habit of taking things for granted
Granted, they never quite knew what they had
And the only thing constant was the constant reminder they'd never change

And so they yelled out loud:

You owe me an IOU - owe me an IOU
You owe me an IOU
Don't think that I'll forget
You owe me an IOU - owe me an IOU
You owe me an IOU
Don't think that I'll forget
I know what I should get
Yeah I know what I should get this time