Sunday, March 23, 2003

yes, friday night was full of things-with-which-to-embarrass-christina-for-the-rest-of-her-natural-life. to everyone who came, I LOVE i'm sure i drunkenly told you multiple times. just wanted to reinforce that because i do. thank you for helping me celebrate my 21st.

damned good party too. at least i assume so since i only remember the first half of the night =) burbank frosh said it was the best party our dorm has thrown so hoorah. good music (thanks to tim and stan for deejaying!), great people, alcohol, and random people even i didn't stuff.

bea insisted on that theme of course this means that we're the only people who even attempt to dress accordingly. i couldn't be russian because evidently bea's head is too massive and the hat didn't fit. therefore, i defaulted to japanese schoolgirl..and i shouldn't have worn that skirt. i blame you, bea! =D

but i still took her and jeff to dinner with my relatives last night. steak at the mt. hamilton grandview restaurant-- soooo delicious i almost orgasmed. the restaurant was at the top of mt. hamilton and you could see all the lights of silicon valley. incredible view. "very romantic," said uncle lawrence in a slightly fobby voice...except i was sharing it with those two dorks and people with whom i share blood. kidding. i love you! good food puts me in a good mood. [look at all that internal rhyme, michelle! yeah, i'm a nerd, shut up.]

went up to boreal today to go skiing...but amanda and i wussed out. cousins and brandon did their thing while we chilled with the aunt and mom and caught up. i love my sister =)

uh i totally lost anything resembling a train of thought. so...i love you, bye!

closing thought: hangovers suck.