Thursday, June 20, 2002

*tiptoes in* psst. hi =)

it's been a while, no? so i'm here at work, technically on my lunch break...and i'm blogging. ah well. it's been busy lately. i finally started working at DNAX Research in palo alto, been doing fun immunobio lab stuff--injected my first mouse yesterday. dissection later today! whee! ahaha. hope i don't get too squeamish. everyone here's very friendly and i'm learning so much. i have a plastic keycard with my nasty picture on it. i feel so professional. cool.

i'm basically living in south san jose at my cousin's house now. there's actually not that much time to be bored since by the time i get off work, i'm pretty beat. besides, my cousin is making me work out with him at his gym (the horror! the pain! i'd better get some muscles), and i've rediscovered the evil that is television. i was planning on going to bed around midnight the other night except my cousin convinced me to watch an episode of elimi-date. and then came rendez-view. "oh, i'll go to bed after this date...i have to see if he'll sleep with her even though she just farted on him!" but no. i started watching a latenight rerun of american idols and couldn't stop. aaah! trashy tv is so addictive!

amanda graduated last night too. congrats! you did it. good. now kick ass down in san diego. ;-) i saw so many old friends at her ceremony. (yay for seeing tony again before he heads over to west point next friday =\ ) my relatives and i went to eat at a vietnamese restaurant afterward. mmm...i've forgotten how good food can be. (and forget again with the cafeteria food here at DNAX...i think it may be on par with dining hall food if it's lucky.)

anyhow, i'm definitely home on the weekends, so let's hang out, fremont folk!