Wednesday, June 23, 2004

new template. it's green. i like to state the obvious...obviously. :)

so it's also been quite a while. the problem with not posting anything new for such a long time is that i am way too lazy to make this up to date. suffice to say, a lot happened, a lot didn't happen, and my hair is shorter and a bit red.

i believe my metabolism is finally slowing down now. this is a sad, sad realization; i will have to start exercising and eating with more moderation. how disgustingly healthy >:| at least i haven't started shrinking in height. silver lining, people, silver lining!

oh, and i now have gmail too. i know it's no longer "cool" and "hip" and "gnarly" anymore (visualize the geekiness and air quotes), but all mail should now be directed there. if you don't know it, ask me. if you don't know how to ask me, you shouldn't be allowed to get my email address anyway. [aside: goddamn SPAM. no, i do not want a portion of the high prince of uzbekistan's $55 billion fortune for forwarding your dumbass email. no, i do not want to know about kandi's "nighttime affairs." and no, i do not want to elongate my penis. it's long enough as it is, thank you.]

* * *
"Santa Monica" -Everclear

i am still living with your ghost
lonely and dreaming of the west coast
i don't want to be your downtime
i don't want to be your stupid game

with my big black boots and an old suitcase
i do believe i'll find myself a new place
i don't want to be the bad guy
i don't want to do your sleepwalk dance anymore
i just want to see some palm trees
go and try and shake away this disease

we can live beside the ocean
leave the fire behind
swim out past the breakers
watch the world die

i am still dreaming of your face
hungry and hollow for all the things you took away
i don't want to be your good time
i don't want to be your fall-back crutch anymore

i'll walk right out into a brand new day
insane and rising in my own weird way
i don’t want to be the bad guy
i don't want to do your sleepwalk dance anymore
i just want to feel some sunshine
i just want to find some place to be alone

we can live beside the ocean
leave the fire behind
swim out past the breakers
watch the world die