Friday, July 12, 2002

went to a giants game last night at pac bell park. fun stuff. well, baseball's not my favorite sport to watch, but any live sporting event is a million times better than watching it on tv. it's the whole atmosphere contributing to the aesthetic enjoyment--yeah, i'll stop. i wrote a whole ihum paper on that in "things of beauty" after our required attendance of a football game. whee!

so the game was a company trip to take hiro, my supervisor from japan, to his first baseball game since he's a hugehugehuge fan (and shinjo plays for the giants too, of course). at the bottom of the fourth, they showed a little blurb on the screen welcoming "hiro and his DNAX friends" =) hiro's so cute in his modest, happy, nice way. plus he knows more than you'll ever want to know about leukocytes, red blood cells, and the human body. he draws pictures for me when he's explaining things! haha.

the actual game was pretty slow at times and we had crappyass seats at the top of the bleachers facing the wind (plus i forgot my jacket at home), but the giants won 3-2! that was cool. running to catch the caltrain back to palo alto and walking back to DNAX to pick up my car before then driving another half hour back to san jose was not that cool. didn't get back until after 1 am. =( i need my sleep before work the next morning. i'm so weak--not as young as i used to be. hah.

oh, had a fire extinguisher training session today at work. i can put you out if you're ever engulfed in flames and i have a fire extinguisher handy.

Thursday, July 11, 2002

whooee back from hawaii! incredible vacation =) now if only my entire summer could be like that...

in any case, we had a sweet condo for the five nights we were in waikiki--just across the street from waikiki beach with a partial ocean view and the balcony was right over the hotel's pool (perfect for yelling at brandon to get back upstairs after he splashed around enough to look like a raisin ;-). we did the tourist-y thing and went to hanauma bay, a luau, and goofed off at the beach across the street. doesn't that sound so awesome? a beach across the street...

i have decided that my future honeymoon must be on a tropical island at a full-service resort. paris or london or whatever is all well and good, but nothing fits my ideal of a perfect vacation more than sand, sun, and ocean.

sorry, digression. anyway, saw plenty of fine male specimens. yuuum. surfers are so cute. and their rock-hard abs and nice pecs didn't hurt my eyes much either. i so needed that hit of eye candy.

you know, the last night we were there, a couple of nice locals showed amanda and me around...our closest encounter with waikiki nightlife. thanks to gregg and john. gregg had the cutest smile--for an old guy ;-) and john played the ukelele for us! we can now say we have been serenaded by a hawaiian playing the ukelele.

we all played a lot of pool too. i still suck. but my mom sucks more. ;-) i have to say that the best part of hawaii was just spending stress-less time with my family...i barely see them these days since i'm working all the time! my mom's so amusing, brandon's hilarious, and amanda--well, she's getting predictable =D no wait, she's just an ugly alien monkey. kidding! don't kill me, amanda! i love my family. =)