Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Now I know I haven't been back here in a while, but life hasn't been particularly angsty of late, and angst was always my favorite topic. Besides Christina-is-a-complete-clutz moments. More of those to come. Promise!

So recently, this one random girl I've never met jacked a couple of my blog entries and pretended they were her own. At first she just took the mushroom entry [see below], and I was a bit annoyed. I mean, what is she doing, stealing my mushroom-warning mom like that? No, she can't have my weird mom. Psh.

Then she took an old entry I wrote on November 4, 2003 [Yes, that was a long time ago]:
i think i've been sleeping way more than is normal. i had a dream the other night that i threw up. it was sort of disturbing. then i realized i had drooled on my arm. hm.

i've been having to pee really often too. and when i have to go nowadays, it's not the former ooh-gotta-go-but-i-can-hold-it-a-bit feeling, but an oh-shit-i-HAVE-TO-GO urgency. my bladder's shrinking or dying or something. how troublesome. on my Worst Road Rage Ever Day, i was stuck on central expressway for over half an hour, unable to move forward or backward due to an accident two blocks away. and i really had to pee. it was a very rare sort of desperation. at times, i contemplated leaving my car unattended and going at the side of the road--except there was only sidewalk and a wall and yes, i am female. then i wondered if it would truly be all that bad to pee in my pants (well, skirt)...things were getting crazy. finally, i got out of that snarl and practically ran into taco bell to ask about their bathroom. around back, i noticed that i had to go back in to get a token to enter the said bathroom. christina was unhappy. unhappy christinas consume a whole nachos bell grande and taco. ah well.
Except this girl changed Central Expressway to 101 and Taco Bell to Burger King. How very strange. I guess I should be flattered that she thought my entries were interesting enough to put on her site, but seriously, can't you write about your own needing-to-pee experiences? It's okay to write about your own life. Really.

Anyway, onto slightly less bizarre subjects, I went movie-hopping with Michelle today for our 2-year anniversary. We're solid, man. Two years of bliss, poopsiedoo. Jeffrey's trying to supplant me, but we all know that's impossible. ;) So The Life Aquatic was...well, bizarre. Funny at times, but rather uneven, I'd say. Although it was definitely hilarious seeing the usually overly-intense Willem Dafoe as Klaus, the shorts-clad child-man crew member. Million Dollar Baby, on the other hand, had me bawling like a baby. Michelle never gets tired of seeing me sobbing and puffy and red. Yes, the only times my face gets red is when I cry or run a couple miles. And since I haven't run a couple miles in about...oh, a couple of years, you'll only see color on my face if you make me cry. No Asian Flush for me, nyah nyah. :)

Speaking of alcohol, happy belated birthday to Big Sis Tina too! Went all the way to Loft 11 to party it up with her. No repeat of the previous Loft 11 fiasco though; this time, it was Tina who did the puking. ;) Why is binge drinking so often the peer-pressured birthday celebration of choice? I guess there's no better way to ring in another birth year than with vomit. It's okay, I'll always be there to hold that hair back when my dear friends throw up. Ah, sisterhood. :D

As a closing thought, I found this while digging through my archives for that jacked entry: "maybe falling in love is like stepping barefoot into dogshit on an unmown lawn--you don't know what you're in until you feel it."

God, what a nugget of pure gold wisdom. Admit it, you liked that. Okay, so maybe I would now say love is a bit less repulsive than dogshit. Haha. Love you, honey! Really, you're not dogshit! I'm so good at making people feel special. :)

* * *
You can run from love
And if it's really love, it will find you
Catch you by the heel
But you can't be numb for love
The only pain is to feel nothing at all
How can I hurt when I'm holding you?

And you're the one, there's no one else
You make me want to lose myself
In the mysterious distance
Between a man and a woman

-U2, "A Man and a Woman"