thanks for a lovely dinner, best friend ;-) no, wait a minute, i paid. uh...thanks for the company then. =D
stress level quadrupled afterward...assaulted on all sides once i got back in my room. sorry i couldn't entertain you, amanda =\
I have fully embraced randomness.
thanks for a lovely dinner, best friend ;-) no, wait a minute, i paid. uh...thanks for the company then. =D
![]() I strive to improve my living conditions by hoarding gold, food, and sometimes keys and potions. I love adventure, fighting, and particularly winning - especially when there's a prize at stake. I occasionally get lost inside buildings and can't find the exit. I need food badly. What Video Game Character Are You? |
![]() I like to be in control of myself. I dislike crowds, especially crowds containing people trying to kill me. Even though I always win, I prefer to avoid fights if possible. What Video Game Character Are You? |
original baked lay's, how i have missed thee. too bad i'm eating you because i slept through dinner. hm...i think personifying you isn't a good thing. it may indicate that i am insane, or i might just feel guilty once i consume you. oh well. you taste yummy on the way down and have the best crunch.
sometimes when i think about everything i want to-should-must do, i get so overwhelmed i have to catch my breath. and then i narrow my view again and crawl into myself and feel comfortable again. i suppose i should treat this the same way i change pony's water: place the bag with the old water and fish in the bowl of new water and occasionally dip the sides in so a little water from both sides can gradually flow together, allowing everything to slowly equilibriate. yes, i am dorky enough to create an analogy between myself and a fish.
oh goodness. i realized tonight that my quarter is whack. i don't usually use the word "whack" because i don't use words like whack, but i couldn't think of a word to describe my quarter. so i'm taking 17 units, but us sib coordinators decided to be ambitious this quarter, so we're probably throwing yet another sib dance, along with a couple more sib events this quarter. the kdphi event calendar is crazy packed...we've got the women's conference to plan, retreat, fundraisers, exchanges, yaddayadda. ucaa hasn't disappeared either =( i have some activity to do pretty much every weekend this did this happen?? i thought this quarter would just be nerdy-christina-doing-a-lot-of-work quarter, but noooo. wrench thrown in again. must become efficient from now on! i think that would require me smashing my computer. *sigh* we'll see.
oh, on the ride back to stanford from tahoe yesterday, we watched a reallyreally bad movie. it was horrible. just as a warning, don't ever bother to watch the stephen king miniseries, the golden years. i could predict the plot five minutes into the movie, and it was ridiculously long-winded...i fell asleep for like 2 hours and when i woke up, i could still follow the storyline! incredibly bad acting (ooh, another over-the-top mad scientist with big hair!)...the list goes on. yeah. just don't watch it. i don't know why i'm blogging about it, but don't. =)
back from ucaa ski trip, i am. sweet cabin, many (asian) people, a ton of food, sleep, and lots of alcohol!, do not worry. i did not get drunk and do stupid shit. it was a very fun, chill weekend...bonded with some cool people--"sizzling nugget of passion!" hahaha =) played massive amounts of pool and big two (revolution!), and i decided that i like smirnoff ice a lot-- even though it's supposedly the "girliest" drink possible. well screw you =P hehe. all in all, i'm very glad it turned out well! hm...except for the slight couple hundred dollars of debt thing. we'll see what i can work out with the budget *pushes up sleeves*. i'm screwed. no work was done up in tahoe, of course. and i had a meeting tonight...and three meetings tomorrow night. the part of me that loves sleep is in mourning.